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Non-linear Support Vector Machines in Python
Step-by-step follow along | Data Series | Episode 9.4
5 min readSep 16, 2021
An explanation of Non-linear support vector machines: Episode 9.3
How to set up your programming environment can be found at the start of :
Episode 4.3
You can view and use the code and data used in this episode here: Link
Produce a non-linear support vector machine that is able to correctly classify a pulsar.
A pulsar is a rotating neutron star that gives out beams of electromagnetic radiation from it’s magnetic poles.
Importing and exploring our Data
We have two csv files containing the star data. One that contains the training data and one the test data.
import warnings
import pandas as pd
star_data = pd.read_csv("D:\ProjectData\pulsar_data.csv")