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Linear Support Vector Machines in Python
Step-by-step follow along | Data Series | Episode 9.2
3 min readJun 5, 2021
An explanation of linear Support Vector Machines: Episode 9.1
How to set up your programming environment can be found at the start of :
Episode 4.3
You can view and use the code and data used in this episode here: Link
Produce a linear support vector machine that is a able to classify apples and oranges based on weight and size.
Importing and exploring our Data
import pandas as pd
apples_oranges = pd.read_csv("D:\ProjectData\\apples_and_oranges.csv")
# create a dictionary to colour classes
color_dict = dict({'orange':'orange',
# scatterplot
plt.title('Sizes and Weights of apples and oranges')
sns.scatterplot(data=apples_oranges, x="Weight", y="Size", hue="Class", palette = color_dict)