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Neural Network in Python
Step-by-step follow-along | Data Series | Episode 13.2
The previous episode discusses the structure of a neural network and how one is built. In this episode we look to model some data using a neural network from the sklearn libary.
You can view and use the code and data in this episode here: Link
To implement a neural network that predicts the Ph of water given its hardness, solids, chloramines, sulfate, conductivity, organic carbon, trihalomethanes and turbidity using sklearn.
We start by importing some general python libraries that will enable us to import and manipulate our data such as pandas and produce graphs such as seaborn.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
import seaborn as sns
Data Exploration
Let us take a brief look at our data to gain an idea of our input and target features.
First we read our water data into python by making use of the pandas library: