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Data Science Project | Predicting Weather Data

Start To Finish Linear Regression Model | Data Series | Project 1

Mazen Ahmed
6 min readSep 21, 2020

This episode combines knowledge from all previous episodes to build, evaluate and improve a ridge regression model that makes predictions for weather data in Hungary, Szeged.

You can view the code and data used in this Episode here: Link


Construct a regression model that makes reasonable predictions for Humidity given the follow data:


Our model should take new inputs of: Temperature, Wind-speed, Pressure e.t.c and come up with a reasonable estimate for: Humidity.

We are going to be using Jupyter Notebook and the Sci-kit learn library to construct this model. How to set up your programming environment can be found here: Episode 4.3

1. Importing and Exploring our Data

Importing our data into python

import pandas as pd

# Store our data as a data-frame in the variable weatherData
weatherData =…



Mazen Ahmed
Mazen Ahmed

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